Friday, February 8, 2013


Today we pulled out the Mega Science Lab kit Chance got for his birthday and chose to make the volcano. We have studied volcanos earlier in the year and we thought it would be fun to make one and review what we learned. After we plastered and created the volcano shape, Chance painted it and we got supplies together to finish it and watch it erupt!  You can get your own here

Painting our Volcano!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sensory Bins

During one of my MANY searches for homeschool/preschool ideas, I came across sensory bins. Basically they stimulate young minds by using all 5 senses and can have a variety of things in them that can constantly be switched out, because let's face it, kids get bored. There are many ideas on pinterest if you search. I like to make up my own as well. All you really need is a plastic container to store them in and some imagination. I pick a theme for the month, a seasonal bin, and if Cameron is really lucky I may even do weekly themed ones. These bins allow your child to use his/ her imagination while working on fine motor skills and take a Montessori non rushed approach. To read more about sensory bins and to see where I first saw the idea check out 1+1+1=1. Here are a few examples of sensory bins we have done including Cameron's newest.....VALENTINE'S DAY BIN! You can also check out my sensory play board on pinterest here for more ideas or just type sensory bins in the search bar to find more!

Valentine's day Bin 2013 (vanilla scented rice)

Christmas Bin 2012 (with peppermint scented rice)

Autumn 2012 Bin